The Holidays are just around the corner! We are currently seeking submissions that pertain to the holidays. Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, Samhain, New Years, Valentines, St. Patrick’s Day…any holiday at all! This call for submissions will be open until the end of August..so don’t delay…send in your sub now!We are currently accepting:
- Novellas, and full-length manuscripts from 20,000-140,000 words.
- Genres: Romance, Erotica, GBLT and BDSM, Paranormal, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense, Thriller, Historical, Young Adult.
* Erotica
* Paranormal (vampire/shapeshifter/witch)
* Romance
* Young Adult
* Longer length novellas and novels
Submit a cover letter in the body of the email that contains the following:
* Genre
* Word Count
* Brief Synopsis
* A bit about you
* Your marketing plan should we accept your manuscript for publication.
* Although we like to encourage open, free and creative expression, do let us know whether the piece contains any questionable content. For instance, we allow rape under certain circumstances, but it should not be meant to titillate. Writing about child abuse is one thing, but we aren't interested in seeing the acts described in detail.
* For stories under 50k: The complete manuscript with your contact information, title, word count, and genre at the top.
* For novels 50k +, the first three chapters and the last chapter, with your contact information, title, word count, and genre at the top
* Your manuscript should contain either 1-1/2 or double spacing and one inch margins. Use a 12 pt. Book Antiqua font.
For more info on our submissions guidelines please visit our website at www.eternalpress.biz