I'm visiting with Fiona Mcvie today and answering her questions about my background, writing, and life in general. Please stop by and comment
Vivid Sentiments
26 August 2015
23 August 2015
Aberrancy and #LASR_Anniv
Follow this link: http://www.longandshortreviews.com/guest-blogs/lasr_anniv-aberrancy-by-su-halfwerk/
and enter the rafflecopter at the end of the post for a chance to win a $100 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC + other prizes!
06 May 2015
29 September 2014
Book review: Malachim by Naima Simone

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was an excellent read considering this is my introduction to this author. It's part of a series, and is not the first one in it, but it reads fine without missing any details.
The story's strength is in the way emotions unfolded, how one can understand and relate to them without being in an abusive relationship. Malachim and Daniella are both damaged goods because of their histories but they find the strength to trust and believe in love.
There were parts were emotions were repeated, the heroine's stubbornness to hold her secrets from the one man that stood by her side no matter what, was unreasonable, and there were times the constant tension and danger Daniella was in was exhausting. Then again, I think this is what makes this story closer to reality and the heart.
It's not fluffy romance, there are detailed violent scenes and memories but, again, that's what makes this story more real.
If you're into romance, don't mind reading about detailed abuse and self-doubt, then give this book a try. I enjoyed this ride.
View all my reviews
22 May 2014
Book Review: Voyeurs of Death by Shaun Jeffrey

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Voyeurs of Death is made of 20 short stories, each is a stand-alone tale that won’t take long to finish.
Though not all stories are horror, they all carry a line of darkness that places them in the macabre section.
Be prepared when you’re about to read the book for a shift in perception, similar to the 3D effect in movies. It’s as though the author is straddling a line that allows him to see our world and a darker, grimmer variation of it on the other side. Examples: ‘Bugs’ and ‘Park Life.’
And even though I liked some more than others (it can’t be avoided in a collection), this book is definitely a keeper on my bookshelf.
View all my reviews
08 May 2014
Book review: Deathwatch by Dana Marton

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I really liked Deathwatch. The length was just right, Kate and Murphy's passion took form and increased to sexual tension at a believable rate, and the ending was left open enough to let me (the reader) give it a conclusion. The author mentioned that Kate and Murphy will appear in her future work, but until then I have my own ending :)
What I loved the most though, was the writing. It was well balanced between sharing the main characters' backgrounds and the here-and-now action. No wasted words, no repeated narrative, and definitely no self pity.
View all my reviews
21 April 2014
Book review: Accidental Abduction by Eve Langlais

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Megan's boyfriend tries to kill her by throwing her into the sea. An alien ship happens to be collecting aquatic samples from Earth and Megan is whisked away with the fish and other water dependent creatures.
Tren and Megan enjoy a banter-full relationship because...well, it leads to lots of sex.
The storyline was light, the length of the book was just perfect without stretching.
So if you like the following, then this book is for you:
* A possessive alpha male.
* An opportunity for women with full figures and large behinds to feel sexy and desired.
* A playful relationship where both couples are open from the beginning about their emotions.
* A story where you get to watch irritation with each others' quirks that turn into what makes that individual just right.
* Truly funny scenes to read.
* Sexy aliens and (some that aren't) :)
View all my reviews
15 April 2014
Book Review: Miss Mabel's School for Girls (The Network Series) by Katie Cross
She discovers, the hard way, the task’s
toilsome nature.
I waited for the release of this book
for a long time and made sure I stayed updated on its progress. This means my
hopes were set too high.
The book never disappointed, it even
spared a glance back at my expectations and tittered :)
A comparison to Harry Potter is
unavoidable since the book is about magic and school for witches, but Miss
Mabel’s stands its own ground when it comes to story line, plot, character
development, and (especially) getting out of tight spots.
Bianca is not a perfect teenager but
her flaws made her believable, easier to connect with, and feel concern over
her fate.
I was treated to detailed and vividly
described scenes with emphasis on characters’ attributes until each took shape
and came to life right before my eyes.
Discoveries are dribbled throughout the book to create a sense of suspense, yet be aware that some of these discoveries aren’t necessarily truths. If you want to know more then burn the candle at night (like I did) and read more, or ignore your life to read more.
Miss Mabel’s School for Girls was a delight to read because it kept its secrets hidden until the last moment. Even then, it held on to some.
Discoveries are dribbled throughout the book to create a sense of suspense, yet be aware that some of these discoveries aren’t necessarily truths. If you want to know more then burn the candle at night (like I did) and read more, or ignore your life to read more.
Miss Mabel’s School for Girls was a delight to read because it kept its secrets hidden until the last moment. Even then, it held on to some.
Magic, tough girls, and an enchanting
path to travel, a perfect concoction that will surly work its magic on
Highly recommend it.
![]() |
5 Stars |
Available: Amazon.com
11 April 2014
Book review: Zombie Books by Bart Gnarly

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Kyle Moore lost a lot to zombies, and these aren’t your average zombies. Some of them look normal enough until they get up close and personal…close enough to have a piece of you in their mouths.
I enjoyed reading Zombie Books because it offered a fresh look at the apocalypse. The terror was caused by zombies, true, but they weren’t the only danger out there.
The book would have benefited from better editing, especially toward the end. Its organization was strange to follow initially but the moment the story snared me, I stopped paying attention to anything except its development.
If you like to read about zombies and how a survivor can exist in their world and kick their collectively rotting rears, then pick up this book. You won’t regret it.
View all my reviews
13 March 2014
The Hunger Chronicles: a collection of shorts by Tes Hilaire ~ A Review

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The Hunger Chronicles is a small collection of short stories...zombies stories. I expected gore, predictable ending, and flat, forgettable characters and was pleasantly surprised at getting each wrong.
The short stories were okay, not WOW! but interesting in their own way.
Then I read the bonus chapter from Life Bites and fell head over heels in love with Eva.
You see, the short stories in The Hunger Chronicles served as the best world building tool I ever saw. I know more about that zombie infected world thanks to those short stories. So when I read the bonus chapter at the end of the book, I was knowledgeable about the world but not enough about Eva.
I'm writing this review right after I purchased Life Bites. I want to know more about Eva.
View all my reviews
28 February 2014
Book Review: Irish Inheritance by Paula Martin
Irish Inheritance
Book blurb:
English actress Jenna Sutton and American artist Guy Sinclair first meet when they jointly inherit a house on the west coast of Ireland. Curious about their unknown benefactress and why they are considered 'family', they discover surprising links to the original owners of the house.
They soon unravel an intriguing tale of a 19th century love affair. At the same time, their mutual attraction grows, despite personal reasons for not wanting romantic involvements at this point in their lives.
A local property agent appears to have her own agenda concerning the house while other events pull Jenna and Guy back to separate lives in London and America. Friction builds over their decision about the house and its contents.
Will their Irish inheritance eventually drive them apart – or bring them together?
Two people from different parts of the world (English actress Jenna Sutton and American artist Guy Sinclair) inherit a house in Ireland. At first glance, they aren’t related and the decision to sell the house and split the money is the simplest and most logical application to their joint Irish inheritance.
But curiosity plays a big part in what unfolds next. The house is shrouded in mystery, most of it undocumented. Jenna and Guy go through their families’ history to determine their connection…for these two were attracted to each other as soon as they met at the airport, knowing about their ancestors and how they are related was necessary.
Jenna and Guy’s attraction, reactions, dreams, and even unreasonableness at times were real. This is a story that can happen and because of this I couldn’t put the book down. I had to understand the link between them, how they overcome life’s obstacles that separated them, be it preconceived ideas about one another or real problems.
Plus there’s the added advantage of reading about and falling in love with Ireland.
Totally worth the five stars and even more. Again, Paula Martin delivers and exceeds expectations.
Available from:
09 December 2013
Book Blast: The Man from Sweet Loaf
The Man from
Sweet Loaf by G.Franklin Prue
456 pages
March 9, 2013
I am hoping that crazy people run and sane people
hide as they read my novel The Man from Sweet Loaf . The story is about
Sam Murphy. He is a truck driver. He is a Vietnam era Veteran. He has PTSD,
but he can only see his father as a winged Gargoyle. This is related to war
veterans in every war. He falls in love with a Haitian woman, she belongs to a
powerful Colonel Labossier in the Ton-Ton Macoute; Sam Murphy has to fight this
man and his bodyguards. He enlists his brother who is a cop, Ray. However, with
Myrthe this woman is involved in the culture of Voodoo.
Sam Murphy in a major section, As the Gargoyle
sings to thee….this section deals with the relationship of his delusional
view of his father. Thus, this dialogue shows us Sam’s fear towards him.
Sam Murphy, finds the Colonel dead, and his Myrthe
free to be with him. But more definition to Sam and his past shows up on his
door. Petey-Pete comes back to the Eastern shores, and visits his old truck
driver partner. He is a major drug dealer from Florida, he is now a Rastafarian.
Petey-Pete is a symbol, he a Christ like figure for
our image of the crucifixion. Sam’s brother, Ray is searching for this major
drug lord. He is determined to get him. Sam has no idea of Petey-Pete being a
major drug dealer, thus on a Sunday, Sam takes his family to church, Petey-Pete
also attends. Ray spots Petey-Pete, shoots him dead on the church steps.
Sam goes to his dying friend, pulls out a book of
poems; dedicate to their life on the road. Sam takes his daughter and wife and
takes them away from this trauma, and leaves his past behind.
The Man from Sweet
A Novel By
G. Franklin Prue
PART ONE: Earth, Wind,
Fire 1
PART TWO: The Lady from Haiti 143
PART THREE: As the Gargoyle Sings to
Thee 276
PART FOUR: Crocker’s
Landing 391
Earth, Wind, Fire
The eagle never lost so much time as when he
submitted to learn of the crow.
–Blake, Proverbs of
Sunday, 22 August 1985. A kiss
and a noble ending was not meant for them as they awake in each other’s arms.
Mabel Friday, with brown rainbow sun hair, was just a child of jazz from the
sixties. A cool chocolate popsicle. Sassy woman. With a high heel walk that
would make you melt in five minutes. She rode out the sticky hot summer season
with her boyfriend Sam, who drove a dented-up red truck. He carried carpets to
new office buildings from a dusty-quiet city on the Eastern
Maryland shores, Sweet Loaf. He made his runs through the I-95
Beltway: D.C., Maryland and Virginia. They met like other children in
the past. On the street. Years after a war and the death of his soul in a Viet
Cong raid. Sam came out in broken pieces of a no-nonsense selfish man. He even
had the sailor nerve to paint on the side of his truck: EL, ZORRO.
Sam Murphy was a womanizer. A street gambler,
common sense, drinking man. She would do almost anything for this man of many
puzzling qualities. He was a hard man about living. Who wasn’t around most of
the time, which made their screwing just a Sunday handshake. Now his other
women didn’t make her mad and damn sure didn’t make her sad. Mabel knew she was
a good woman for any man. But with Sam, she was on this road a long time. A
long time. Cuddling, bouncing up in the back woods to the Sweet Loaf Carnival.
They both drank up a lot of gin with the radio turned up to James Brown;
begging for love on WKSL-AM Soul station. As they move behind the purple valley
city and white corner moon.
Folks forgave Sweet Sam Murphy,
you see; he had put it all in. He was one of the living dead who chain-smoked
from a face of a dark storm wind coming to the shore’s edge. Most of the time
he wore a greasy, pale blue golf cap on his head. Over wide brown, soft eyes
that took in the yellow-green day and sometimes another man’s wife.
Mabel gave him that lullaby
stare: Drugs, money or love over on the side of the road? Naw! She wanted
something else as she rolled her moon-shaped butt on the black vinyl seats of
the truck.
“Baby, what you want?” Sam
pleads. “Tell me! But don’t just sit there like a fly on a elephant’s ass.”
“I need another cigarette,” Mabel
said, scooting over closer to his ear. “Daddy.”
“Mabel, I just bought you some,”
he said. “Darlin’, you got’s to be supportin’ your own habits!” Sam got real
cruel. “Dey be cutting your tits off one of these days.”
“Sam, you don’t have to talk like
that to me!” Mabel lights up, gives him the pack back. “You a
thirty-two-year-old asshole!” She sucks in the smoke. Scoots away from him.
“Shit, man! As much as I give you.” She gazes out to the sights of yellow,
brown, burned summer alabaster leaves. Butchers in her dreams. “Maybe I’ll just
die before they cut dem off! Butcher bastards! Son-of-a-bitches cut my momma up
too! I ain’t never going to let them put the knife to my pretty tits!” She
grabs, and cuddles them. “Sam, feel these! Feel these!” Rolls her eyes, drags
hard on the cigarette. “Goddamn butcher men. . . that’s all the fuck they
are anyways!”
He knew it was the gin talking.
She was a sweet screw a sad, kissable, chocolate milk woman from the Sweet Loaf
woods. Sorry he put fear in her face. But people he cared about were sacred to
him, their lives a part of his life. Secure in his web. Made her think about
the knife her mother died under. Tender memories of a wife, a sister, a lover,
mother. He noticed pieces of her brownish-black hair fly behind her right ear.
Gold earrings flash. The ones he bought her for her birthday. He rubs a thumb
across her cheek to take the pain from her lips. He searches for that
blueberry-apple smile. He surrenders his love and forgiveness in the silence of
a dusty shoo-fly road. A wand over her heart. Summer madness concocted under a
hell-fire sun. A bead of sweat drips from her neck. Down her V-neck red dress.
When the truck shakes, her breasts jump, jiggle, pow, boom, wow in the dress.
He slows down over a dead squirrel. Dry red leaves crack under the tire wheels
that take up the space between their lives and the rest of the red clay, chain
gang road.
He squeezes up behind a Chevy
station wagon. Scares the hell out of a family man with his long-neck wife, two
kids and a standard size hound dog. Mabel laughs as the man’s horn curses Sam
Sweet Sam became childish, high
with his Mabel. He put it all in; speeding sometimes. Crying, laughing and
flying. Smoking good dope. Sam was all mixed up with dog shit on a county road:
Route 87, to Bailey’s Cross. He sips his brown bag of gin from a paper cup. All
he cared about was the fire from a pretty woman in the middle of a lost country
road. Starve away the dream nightmares of a war. A wife, a son. He found Mabel
after. After a country lost another son…who cares? He was alive. Alive to
taste. Feel. Smell the sun, moon, stars from a woman’s panties. He had time to
hear the silence in his heart. Play the sax in the night. Kiss up an angel’s tears
that fell with the rain.
“We almost there, baby.”
“I know.” She puts his right hand
on her left breast. “And they going to stay there too.” She draws closer to
him. “I love you.”
“I’m sorry I scared you,” he
said. “You know that.”
“Yeah I know.” She teases him.
“Watch that pole.”
“I just love you . . . that’s
all.” He sticks his golf cap on his right knee. “I can’t stand somebody else
dying in my life, ’specially you.”
“You made that clear.”
Earth winds blow from east to
Gas and fumes drift in their
noses. Sam looked over her eyes of blossoms and lips of red watermelon
lipstick? Yes! Yes! He wouldn’t give a fuck if he did die with her. It was
better than leaving in some war with dog-tags around your neck at nineteen. He
puts more gas on the pedal. Shifts some gears before she gets sick in the cab
of the truck. Hell! He knew she had to be tired. He didn’t look at her. He
counts to ten over and over. Before the sleeveless, tight red dress almost
makes him go right into a three hundred-year-old oak. Pleasant surroundings of
her French-blood perfume mixed in with the sun and gin. He got up the nerve to
see if she calmed down. Was she still looking for a fight? He throws an arm
over her bare shoulders. He takes one eye off the road to keep from hitting the
cows. Sneaks a passenger kiss on her cheek. He takes his arm from around her to
concentrate on the road, jazz and her rich cream thighs.
Social Media and Buy Links:
When I was a little boy; I was sent to the library
as a punishment. My daddy use to joke with me that I was born in a library. Now
I am published author G. Franklin Prue. I was born in Washington, D.C.
I am also ex-military Vietnam
veteran. I am also teaching in Seattle
as a special educational Instructor. I have also worked as a government
Consultant for the Defense Department. I travel a lot to the Caribbean,
Central & South Americas. I have a BA in Political Science & Masters
degree in Education/Administration. My published novels are, A Year of Madness,
Mammie Doll and The Man from Sweet Loaf , all by CreateSpace/Amazon.com.
This book blast was brought to you by Reach for the Stars
Book Marketing.
04 November 2013
A review of His to Possess
This charming review made me feel like re-reading my own book :-D Thanks, Lyn Sofras.
24 September 2013
Interview: Mind Over Psyche by Karina Fabian
Karina Fabian is no stranger to this blog and I'm happy to welcome her again to promote her latest paranormal/fantasy release, Mind Over Psyche, book Two of the Mind Over trilogy. Please join me in welcoming her and wishing her all the best.
But before we begin the interview, here's a small intro to the book through its blurb.
But before we begin the interview, here's a small intro to the book through its blurb.
Deryl isn’t
crazy; he’s psychic. Desperate to escape
the insane asylum, Deryl teleports to
Kanaan, a world of telepaths who regard him as an oracle. But freedom comes at a price. The Kanaan expect their oracle to teach them
to use their powers to wage war.
Meanwhile, he’s falling in love, but to be with her means to share his
psyche, which could drive her insane.
Most dangerous of all, he hasn’t escaped the Call of the Master, enemy
of the Kanaan, whose telepathic manipulations were why Deryl was committed in
the first place. Now, the Master will
forge Deryl’s powers into a weapon to kill all he loves or destroy his mind
Following is the interview (Psst: There's a trailer and excerpt as well)
Following is the interview (Psst: There's a trailer and excerpt as well)
1. In Mind Over Mind, you had a romance between
Joshua and Sachiko. Will we see more of
that in Mind Over Psyche?
No. It’s Deryl’s turn to fall in
love, and it will be a very different experience from Joshua’s. For one, Tasmae is an alien. Kanaan mate for life and when they meet their
soul mate, it’s usually a compulsion. They
know, on a biological and telepathic level, that this is their soul mate, and
they figure out the rest later. Of
course, Deryl being human makes things a little confusing for both him and
Tasmae. There’s more danger involved, as
one or the other could drive each other insane in the literal sense. Kanaan bonding is more than joining hearts or
bodies. They link minds. Readers of Mind Over Mind know that’s
traumatic enough for Deryl even with limited human contact. What’s worse, however, is that Tasmae is
under the psychic influence of her ancestor’s memories—her ancestor who had
gone mad. Add to that the fact that some
of the Kanaan close to Tasmae see Deryl as a threat, not an oracle, and you can
understand why Joshua is really worried about Deryl and Tasmae ever having the
chance to be alone together.
2. Joshua practices a form of psychiatry called neuro linguistic programming. He used it extensively in Mind Over Mind. Will he use it in Mind Over Psyche?
Some, but it really doesn’t work with aliens. He will, however, save a child’s life with
it, and will use some techniques to help Deryl and Tasmae out of danger. In this book, he also gets to exercise his
musical talents.
3. What is your favorite scene?
Tasmae is deeply under the influence of her ancestor’s memories and the
pain and confusion have made her violent.
They’re causing Deryl pain a well, and he begs Joshua to help her. He’s a psychiatric prodigy, right? Never mind that he’s 19, an intern, has no
drugs or orderlies as backup and oh, yeah, is dealing with aliens. I loved imagining what Joshua, Deryl, and
especially Tasmae were thinking and doing.
Crazy can be a lot of fun…when it’s not real.
4. What’s the challenge about writing about a
psychic people?
They don’t communicate just in words, but also images, emotions, and
simple knowing. For example, why have a
name for a person when you can pass on the knowledge of who that person
is? Ditto for places. However, to reach a reader, I have to use
words. No one wants to read “the captain
of the Kanaan guard” ten times a page, so some characters needed names, and I
needed a reason for them to have one. In
the end, humans and the Barin (who also have verbal language) name certain
things. This will be fun in Mind Over
All, because Joshua will joking name a young boy who clings to him, “Axel,” and
it sticks, to Sachiko’s ire.
Also, with no written language, there needs to be a way to preserve
history. This is vital in Mind Over
Psyche, as memories are stored in psychic plants. You experience things as the person
experienced them—no sanitizing, no skimming, no skipping the yucky parts
(unless the plant allows it.)
Oh, yes. The everyn are part of
the sentient animals species called Bondfriends. They have a symbiotic psychic relationship
with certain Kanaan (also called Bondfriends).
Without this psychic bonding, an everyn reverts to a fully animal state,
while a Kanaan will ignore their physical state until they die before they
reach puberty. Bondfriends life separate
from “regular” Kanaan, who don’t’ really understand their psychic
relationship. Also, because they are an
animal/person mind, so to speak, they are a bit wilder than the Kanaan.
returned to consciousness fully expecting to be in a hospital bed, his slashed
throat swathed in bandages, his singing career over before it had started. His
hands moved to his throat, found it bare and intact and breathed a prayer of
thanks before opening his eyes.
found himself on his back in a small, tree-lined meadow, but he didn’t
recognize the trees.
sat up slowly, more disoriented than dizzy. Had he had amnesia? “Sachiko?” he
called. “Mom? Dad? Anyone?”
saw Deryl lying on his side, unconscious. Not far from him, near a break in the
treeline, stood—
something like a unicorn. Its rhinoceros-like horn and thick neck and shoulders
made it a far scarier version than any Joshua had read about in fantasy novels.
It stared straight at them.
licked dry lips. “Easy fella,” he soothed, and reached over to shake his
friend. “Deryl, time to wake up.”
of Joshua’s mind gibbered that Deryl was really psychic, that he’d teleported
them to an alien planet. Another part argued that he was dreaming or had gone
insane himself. He told them both to shut up, but he couldn’t stop his
breathing from accelerating or his hands from trembling as he shook his friend.
eyelids fluttered, then closed.
He’s drugged. Malachai’s
zombiefied him again, and we’re stuck on another world!
shook his friend harder. “Come on, man! Don’t do this to me. Wake up!”
heard hoof beats and turned in time to see several unicorns with red-clad
riders approach from the trail. He vaguely noted they looked human, before his
eyes focused on the swords they drew.
did the only thing he could think of. He raised his arms, palms open, and said,
“We come in peace!”
warrior he faced, a scowling man with a narrow head, wide-set eyes, and a
pocked and scarred face, didn’t understand him or didn’t care. He arched his
sword toward Joshua.
covered his head with his arms and ducked.
Winner of the 2010 INDIE for best
Fantasy (Magic, Mensa and Mayhem),
Karina Fabian has plenty of voices in her head without being psychic. Fortunately, they fuel her many stories, like
the Mind Over trilogy. Mrs. Fabian teaches writing and book marketing seminars,
but mostly is concerned with supporting her husband, Rob Fabian as he makes the
exciting leap from military officer to civilian executive, getting her kids
through high school and college, and surviving daily circuit torture…er,
circuit training. Read about her adventures at http://fabianspace.com.
Karina at:
- Website: http://fabianspace.com, http://dragoneyepi.net
- Blog: http://fabianspace.blogspot.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karina.fabian
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/KarinaFabian
- Google +: https://plus.google.com/103660024891826015212
12 September 2013
Book review; Better Off Without Her by Rita Hestand
Book summary:
Victor Frank is no ordinary killer. For one he kills women...with his bare hands.
When he kills John T.'s mother and tells him he's "Better Off Without Her" John T. swears he'll track him down someday and kill him. Wesley Collins
is a Texas Ranger, who's already had a run-in with Victor in his earlier days.
He's bound to find him once the Rangers retire him before he does any more damage. Rascal Mills wife was killed by Victor. He's got three kids left without a mother. Pepper Hardy's father was a Sheriff, and when Victor came to town, he was duty bound to arrest him. But he was killed while trying to arrest him. All four are on a mission, one mission, to track him down and see him dead, like the dog he was. Four rode after him, how many would return?
My review:
John T. has lost his mother, Rascal has lost his wife, Wesley lost the love of his life, Pepper lost her father, and many others became orphaned because of one violent killer; Victor Frank. And this serial killer has a target of his own and nothing in this world will stop in his way.
Victor Frank is a serial killers I sympathized with, even cheered him on some of his goals, no matter how simple they were.
Despite lacking a single redeeming quality, Victor stood tall in the middle, right where black and white met. He wasn't all likable...still, I couldn't help but feel for him.
Better Off Without Her is a story that reminded me that people differ. There are no purely good people or solely evil people. The people in this book were normal people who faced life in the nineteenth century's Wild West and survived it the best way they could. They fell in love innocently and sometimes their innocence was snatched from them in the most savage way.
I absolutely recommend this book to readers who wouldn't mind a bit of darkness in their fiction with a dash of romance that balanced it all and led to it its glorious ending.
Available on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DX5TUQE/ref=cm_cr_rev_prod_title
Victor Frank is no ordinary killer. For one he kills women...with his bare hands.
When he kills John T.'s mother and tells him he's "Better Off Without Her" John T. swears he'll track him down someday and kill him. Wesley Collins
is a Texas Ranger, who's already had a run-in with Victor in his earlier days.
He's bound to find him once the Rangers retire him before he does any more damage. Rascal Mills wife was killed by Victor. He's got three kids left without a mother. Pepper Hardy's father was a Sheriff, and when Victor came to town, he was duty bound to arrest him. But he was killed while trying to arrest him. All four are on a mission, one mission, to track him down and see him dead, like the dog he was. Four rode after him, how many would return?
My review:
John T. has lost his mother, Rascal has lost his wife, Wesley lost the love of his life, Pepper lost her father, and many others became orphaned because of one violent killer; Victor Frank. And this serial killer has a target of his own and nothing in this world will stop in his way.
Victor Frank is a serial killers I sympathized with, even cheered him on some of his goals, no matter how simple they were.
Despite lacking a single redeeming quality, Victor stood tall in the middle, right where black and white met. He wasn't all likable...still, I couldn't help but feel for him.
Better Off Without Her is a story that reminded me that people differ. There are no purely good people or solely evil people. The people in this book were normal people who faced life in the nineteenth century's Wild West and survived it the best way they could. They fell in love innocently and sometimes their innocence was snatched from them in the most savage way.
I absolutely recommend this book to readers who wouldn't mind a bit of darkness in their fiction with a dash of romance that balanced it all and led to it its glorious ending.
Available on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DX5TUQE/ref=cm_cr_rev_prod_title
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