21 May 2013

Book review: Head of Words

Head of WordsHead of Words by Chris Ward
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"Crowded wasn't really the word."
This is the most fitting (and summarizing) first sentence I've ever read in a book, and it starts Daniel Barker's journey in Head of Words.
Daniel likes to add people to his small, pocket-size, one bedroom apartment. He doesn't sub-rent the space, for most of them either don't, or won't, or can't hold a job. He's the type of guy who finds good in everyone even though he sometimes ends up regretting that discovery. So what does he do? He allows more people in until there's no place left for any of them.

13 individuals and 1 dog shared a small space, each with his or her own story and a way of viewing the world. This led to numerous arguments, pitted some of them against others, and planted the seeds of attractions and secrets.
I loved every moment of traveling the road with Daniel, getting angry with Shaun, frustrated with Stevie, confused by the twins...yet, through it all, I felt that the story I was reading wasn't the story being told. This was positively the best way to snare attention and keep it, especially with the surprise ending that explained it all.
So when you read the book, and even if you guess the surprise ending, you will still admire its artistic delivery.
In Head of Words, every word counts.

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